Poetry in motion: A video weblog

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gremlins vs the Avant-Garde

When I first saw GREMLINS 2 at a movie theater as a kid, it included this now famous scene involving HULK HOGAN. In a bold, self-described "anarchist," move, filmmaker JOE DANTE included a scene in which it appears the film is broken (by Gremlins in our projection booth!), and the HULK has to convince them to start it again:

When the movie was put out on home video, the filmmakers decided to put together a scene in which it appeared that gremlins had taken over the video feed, and, um, started flipping channels, I guess:

Of course, GREMLINS 2 wasn't the first film to "break the fourth wall," but certainly it is one of the most high profile.
Cheers to anarchy in Hollywood!

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