Poetry in motion: A video weblog

Friday, November 14, 2008

All I Need

When I think about my favorite music videos of all time, I think back to filmmaker and artist MIKE MILLS' inspired experiments with the band AIR. The clip for 1998's ALL I NEED reminds of when I actually watched MTV, and the brave, borderline wonky, open-heartedness, along with MILLS' breaking into the audio of the song make it stand out.

And speaking of MTV, they apparently teamed up with RADIOHEAD for their new video for their song, um, ALL I NEED. The result is somewhere between an art video and a public service announcement. Good message:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This American Life vs. Rabio Lab vs. Chris Ware

In this animation for THIS AMERICAN LIFE's TV show, CHRIS WARE illustrates a story told by RADIO LAB's ROBERT KRULWICH and his wife. When the television version of TAL debuted last year, host IRA GLASS claimed he wanted the show to look like nothing else on television.

To this end, I think they've somewhat succeeded, with the often stunning cinematography highlighting the show's unique documentarianism. The first season of the show is on iTunes, with hopefully the second season to follow.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God Only Knows, Claire Denis

CLAIRE DENIS is a master, sensualist filmmaker. Her camera lingers on faces and skin in sometimes grotesque intimacy. This simple scene of a French bartender catching the attention of a passing American sailor from NENETTE ET BONI is a good example of her style.

God only knows what I'd do if VINCENT GALLO looked at me like this.

Here, she gets all telefoto on SONIC YOUTH for her music video of their recent INCINERATE:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Skater boys

For his film PARANOID PARK, GUS VAN SANT handed off Super 8 cameras to kids around Portland to capture the poetic sequences that highlight his film about youth skate culture.

Bonnie and Barney and Bjork

WILL OLDHAM sings the song GRATITUDE as the opening for MATTHEW BARNEY's film DRAWING RESTRAINT 9.

Music by BJORK.