Poetry in motion: A video weblog

Saturday, January 15, 2011

People Doing Stuff

A perfectly guileless presentation, as advertised. The original post on YouTube describes it best: "It's oddly satisfying."


Everybody Loves James Franco

Part of a series directed by SOLVE SUNDSBO, and published online by The New York Times Magazine. Shot in rich black and white, and scored in silent film style, they called it 14 ACTORS ACTING.

Could not this collection of short clips—a structuralist's dream of Hollywood—be the film of the year?

The Serpentine Dance

A hand-painted film of pionner modern dancer LOIE FULLER, circa 1896.

Although shot in black and white and later colored by hand, for the live performance, I am told, these dancers were shone with colored lights to achieve a similar effect.

Video Describing a Line Describing a Cone

The 1973 film LINE DESCRIBING A CONE is one of my favorite films of all time. I first saw Mr. ANTHONY MCCALL's ground-breaking film at the WHITNEY museum in 2003, with no prior knowledge, and it is truly a film that must be seen in person to be properly enjoyed.

Incidentally, I saw a new installation of MCCALL's work last year, which used video projections rather than film. The difference was palpable.

O Pioneers

In the youthful exuberant style reminiscent of photographer RYAN MCGINLEY, this commercial from a 2009 Levi's ad campaign, was directed by video artist M BLASH.

Accompanied by the poetry of WALT WHITMAN, the work inhabits the spirit of young America, albeit for commercial purposes.